I bought this to make a drilling template for a project. Printing HAS to work, and it does not! Zero stars, in my opinion! Verson 1.3.
I bought this to make a drilling template for a project. Printing HAS to work, and it does not! Zero stars, in my opinion! Verson 1.3.
I was looking for a simple way to outline sections to a map. This app is simple, and reasoanbly priced. Its basic functions were perfect for adding shapes that could be modified by using the vector capabalities to reconfigure the shapes that I drew onto my map image. My project turned out great with this easy to use tool.
Another Nice App in This Designers Series. Each one with a Tool Pallet for the programs intended purpose. This one has given us levels and more vector related options. The program is well layed out and the help window answers any questions I’ve had. The simple interface is nice. Advanced control is always just a click away. Very intuitive. Fun to use. Thank You.